RHAPSODY OF REALITIES TEEVO MONDAY, 30TH AUGUST 2021 👤 PASTOR CHRIS THEME: HUMILITY PROMOTES (God Promotes The Humble)” TO THE BIBLE 📖: 1 Peter 5:6 “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.” LET'S TALK Have you ever truly considered the fact that Jesus died for you personally? If you were the only one on the face of the earth, Jesus would still made a decision many years ago to be a humble person. The only way I could be humble was by letting the Word of God show me what it is to be humble, studying about humility in the Word of God, and acting accordingly. Humility is yielding yourself to the Lordship of the Word of God; it doesn’t mean you’re weak or humiliated. When you’re humble, nothing, and no one, can humiliate you It’s like that old hymn by John Bunyan: “He that is down needs fear no fall, He that is low, no pride; He that is humble ever shall have God to be his guide.” This just means t...
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