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👤 Pastor Chris
Today’s  Scripture: Hebrews 11:3
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

There’re three important words to note in our theme verse; they are framed, words, and world. The word “framed” is translated from the Greek “katartizo”, and it means to restore or mend. “Worlds” is translated from the Greek “aion” which means “course of life”; the structure and administration or
seasons and times of one’s life on earth. “Word,” on the other hand, is translated from the Greek word “rhema,” and it means the spoken and active word to a specific person, for a specific purpose, at a specific time. From the foregoing, we observe that the “aions” were framed, mended, restored by the Word (rhema) of God.

The expression “rhema of God” as you find in the New Testament is never applied to God talking by Himself, but to God putting His Word in man’s heart for man to speak. So, our theme verse doesn’t mean that God was “framing the aions”; it means that men framed their worlds—courses of life— by using the Word of God; they uttered “rhema.”

With “rhema” you give shape, structure and beauty to your world, to your life; you construct the conditions—what your world and life should be like— with the Word on your lips. What’s your life like today? Do you want a life of ever-increasing grace, glory and dominion? The key is your mouth!
It makes no difference what obtains presently in your “aion”; you can mend what needs mending; you can restore what needs restoration; you can fix anything that’s been ruined. You can quell terror and put a halt to the malicious destructions and havoc the devil seeks to wreak in your world, life, family, city or country, or in the lives of your loved ones, by uttering the Word of God that your spirit has taken a hold of.

Use the Word. Put it on your lips and use it to keep the adversary in his place. Use it to frame the course of your life to be consistent with God’s plan and purpose for your life. Hallelujah!

Dear heavenly Father, I thank you, for the course of my life is consistent with your perfect will, plans
and purposes. I live victoriously over the adversary and the adversities of life; the Word on my lips puts me over; I reign in dominion over circumstances, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Mark 11:23; Joshua 1:8 AMPC

Galatians 2:1-21 & Songs of Solomon 1-2

Luke 23:1-12 & 2 Samuel 5-6


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